
Sony Now Asking Devs To Prepare PS5 Pro Games By Summer

A new report claims that Sony has asked the developers to prepare their games for the PS5 Pro by this summer as they gear up for the launch.

Dragon’s Dogma 2 Was PS5’s Best-Selling Digital Game in Japan Last Month

PlayStation Blog Japan has revealed that Dragon's Dogma 2 was the best-selling digital game on the PS5 in March.

Sea of Thieves Is So Popular On PS5 That Its Servers Can’t Handle Demand

Sea of Thieves is currently going through a major beta on the PS5, but so many players are trying to get in that servers keep on crashing.

Stellar Blade Dev Confirms Intentions To Create More Single Player Games

Following the release of Stellar Blade, Shift Up won't abandon the market, confirming its intentions to release more single-player games.

My Proven Fixes for PS4 DNS Error in 2024

Ever come across a DNS error in your Play Station 4? Errors like outdated OS, corrupt system files, or slow internet can cause the issue.

How I Fixed Steam Not Detecting My PS5 Controller

This guide elaborates on all the tried and tested fixes for Steam not detecting PS5 controller on a Windows computer.

How To Rebuild Database In PlayStation? [PS4 + PS5]

Can't figure out how to rebuild database on your PlayStation? Here's our detailed guide that will cover all your queries regarding the matter.

How To Reset PS5 Controller: Hard & Soft Reset

Learn how to reset your PS5 controller easily and effectively. Follow our step-by-step guide to troubleshoot the issue quickly.

How To Clear Cache On PlayStation? [PS3, PS4, PS5]

It is important for you to learn about how to clear cache on PlayStation, as it can help with improving the console's performance.

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