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Are Smartwatches Really Safe To Wear All The Time?

Are smartwatches really safe to wear all the time? Necessarily not! Find out the reasons how it can impact your health.

Will EAFC Face a 2K Challenge?

EA is known as the top developers for football games, but that can change if 2K does a decent job in making the new FIFA game.

The Rise of OLED: How It Transformed PC Gaming in 2024

Infinite color contrast, super fast response times, and HDR gaming are just some reasons why HDR gaming monitors are on the rise.

TDP Ratings Are Misleading – Here’s Why

Nowadays you can find a TDP rating on pretty much every box in the store. I think TDP ratings for processors can be quite misleading.

Is It Worth Upgrading To LGA 1700 Now?

As we await the launch of Intel’s 15th Generation CPUs (based exclusively on DDR5), we discuss if it’s worth upgrading to LGA 1700 nowadays.

Here Are My Favorite GPU+CPU Combos In Summer 2024

Finding the ideal GPU+CPU pairing can be a hassle, so here are three of my favorite pairings in 2024, depending on your resolution of choice.

How Resident Evil 9 Can Thrive in an Open World

Rumors of Resident Evil 9 going open-world spark excitement and concern. Can it deliver classic survival horror in a vast new setting?

From Backlash to Bliss: The Remarkable Journey of Halo Infinite

With consistent updates, bug fixes, and addition of fan-favorite features, Halo Infinite transformed into a much more enjoyable experience.

Firewatch Storytelling Through Voice Alone Is Still Undefeated

Discover how Firewatch storytelling through voice creates a gripping experience. Explore this indie game's powerful use of voice acting.

Buying A Used Processor? Keep These Points In Mind

Although buying a used processor is frowned upon, the recent price hikes make it a viable option for budget gamers looking for an upgrade.

This Is The Coolest Mouse Pad I Have Ever Seen

The Razer Firefly V2 Pro is the coolest mouse pad because of its edge-to-edge RGB lighting that changes with the surroundings in games.

Ditch 4K: Here’s Why I Still Game At 1440p

The benefits provided by 1440p gaming have by far outweighed the pros of 4K, which is why I have continued to game at 2K even in 2024.

Change My Mind: Back-Connect PC Builds Are The Future

Back-connect PC builds are the future because of their easier cable management, installation, and better airflow capabilities.