Remedy Entertainment

Alan Wake 2 Connected To Control; Uses Live Action Scenes For Narrative

Alan Wake 2 is set to have interconnected narratives within the game as well as the utilization of live-action scenes.

Alan Wake 2 Trailer Shows Intense Psychological Horror Elements

In addition to several other games, Gamescom 2023 has revealed a new look at Remedy Entertainment's Alan Wake 2.

Alan Wake 2 Currently The “Most Important” Project For Remedy

Alan Wake 2 is a massive project, and a recent report reveals that it is the most important title for the developer.

Max Payne Was Released On This Day 22 Years Ago

The Max Payne franchise has a long history, and the first game in the series has officially turned 22 today.

Alan Wake 2 Dev Hoping Red Dead Remaster Does Not Release In October

The Alan Wake 2 Director has commented on rumors about a remaster of Red Dead Redemption, and he hopes it does not launch alongside his game.

Alan Wake 2 Is Slower And Features Less Combat Than Predecessor

According to a recent report, Alan Wake 2 is going to be slower-paced and have less combat than the first game.

Alan Wake 2 Is More Focused On Atmosphere Than Jump Scares

Alan Wake 2 will set itself apart from other horror games by focusing more on atmosphere and dread instead of tropes like jump scares.

Alan Wake Opening Quote Cost Remedy Entertainment $1

The opening quote for Alan Wake came from Stephen King and Remedy Entertainment had to pay just a single dollar for the quote.

Alan Wake 2 Campaign Will Last Over 20 Hours

Remedy has revealed new information on Alan Wake 2, including details on the campaign. It will last about 20 hours.

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