Nvidia GeForce RTX 4090 was launched a few weeks ago and saw huge jumps in performance over the previous generation. The new graphics card boasts DLSS 3 and improved ray tracing performance.
However, Nvidia might have a significant problem, judging by recent reports. According to GeForce RTX 4090 users on Reddit, the 12VHPWR Connector have suffered from burn damage.
The initial report was limited to a single user but followed by another Redditor, u/NoDuelsPolicy. While this instance was not as bad as the original post, it raised many concerns about Nvidia’s 12VHPWR Connector for the GeForce RTX 4090.
It is claimed that bending the new 12VHPWR Connectors can be problematic. Cablemod has previously issued a warning, stating that a minimum distance of 35 mm should be maintained from the connector before any bending occurs. However, this is not always possible and can be seen as a design flaw.
Users have quickly criticized Nvidia’s decision to utilize the 12 VHPWR connectors. Before the GeForce RTX 4090 launch, PCI-SIG also expressed concerns about the 12VHPWR Connector. The company concluded that the melting of the cables was a possibility in some instances.
Thankfully, Nvidia has reached out to the Reddit user. The company is currently looking into the matter and aims to reach out to other users. However, no further information has been shared by Nvidia.
The Nvidia subreddit has also created a mega thread to keep users updated on the 12VHPWR connector issue. Besides the two initial reports, another user has come forward with another instance of melted cables.
While reports have been limited, the situation seems to be quite concerning. Nvidia could be in trouble if the company cannot provide an adequate solution. Existing GeForce RTX 4090 should now be extra careful to avoid bending the 12VHPWR cable, but current and future consumers will undoubtedly be disappointed by the recent reports.
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[News Reporter]
Avinash is currently pursuing a Business degree in Australia. For more than three years, he has been working as a gaming journalist, utilizing his writing skills and love for gaming to report on the latest updates in the industry. Avinash loves to play action games like Devil May Cry and has also been mentioned on highly regarded websites, such as IGN, GamesRadar, GameRant, Dualshockers, CBR, and Gamespot.