Disney Reportedly Working On MCU Game Featuring Canon Events

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Marvel Cinematic Universe Debut In Games Coming Up!

Story Highlight
  • Many Marvel games, including Blade, Wolverine, and Iron Man, are in development. 
  • A reliable leaker has claimed another project featuring canon events from the Marvel Cinematic Universe is in development.
  • This would be a first for Marvel since no prior release is considered canon to the universe.

Previously, it was revealed that DC is developing games as part of its cinematic comic book universe. Such projects have not existed in the past, with movie tie-in games being the closest to the actual cinematic universe.

Now, it seems like Marvel is also heading in the same direction. A reliable leaker has reported that Disney is working on an MCU game.

Why it matters: Marvel has been working on games more enthusiastically than before, which may be why the studio is looking to integrate the medium into its main continuity.

Marvel's Blade
Marvel’s Blade Is In Development From Arkane Lyon

Alex Perez from Cosmic Circus, a reliable leaker, has claimed that Marvel is working on a new game with a canon story. The leaker has proven to be reliable many times in the past, so it seems the Marvel Cinematic Universe is set to expand beyond movies.

Not much is known about the project, so it’s difficult to make any comments for the time being. Marvel has worked on various titles in different genres recently, including the likes of Midnight Suns and last year’s smash hit Spider-Man 2.

Owing to the current lack of information, it’s difficult to comment on which characters will appear in the game or what it will be based on. However, a big-budget project like Marvel’s Avengers done right would certainly be cause for excitement.

Marvel's Wolverine
Marvel’s Wolverine By Insomniac Is Taregtting A 2025 Release Window

Other than this canon adaptation, there are quite a few other Marvel games coming out, including Blade, Iron Man, Wolverine, and Black Panther. So, one more addition to this list will only increase the excitement.

With gaming showcase season right around the corner, perhaps Marvel will announce this title next month. Between the rumored PlayStation Showcase, Summer Game Fest, and Xbox Games Showcase, any of these events would be more than adequate for a reveal of this magnitude.

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