The Lords Of The Fallen

Lords of The Fallen Fails To Capture The Magic of A Soulslike

Lords of the Fallen failed to grasp the core strengths of FromSoftware's game design, ending up as a husk of what makes the genre special.

Lords of the Fallen Studio Letting Go of 10% of Its Employees

CI Games has announced a new round of layoffs, impacting 10% of its staff, including the team behind Lords of the Fallen.

Lords of the Fallen Sequel Reportedly Planned For 2026 Release

CI Games has supposedly begun planning Death of the Fallen, a sequel to Lords of the Fallen, the studio's latest success from 2023.

Lords of the Fallen Will Generate $100 Million, Says Publisher

Lords of the Fallen has been quite successful for CI Games, with the company's president predicting that it will generate $100 million.

Lords of The Fallen Can Drop To 648p On Xbox Series X & PS5 For 60FPS

Lords of the Fallen uses Unreal Engine 5 for stunning visuals, but this leads to subpar resolution and performance on consoles.

Lords of the Fallen Amassed 1 Million Sales In 10 Days

CI Games has confirmed that Lords of the Fallen has sold over 1 million copies within two weeks of its release.

Lords of the Fallen Players Report Latest Update Resets Levels

Lords of the Fallen is still struggling to resolve its launch issues, with a new update leading to a bug that resets player levels.

Lords of the Fallen Publisher Stock Plummets By 41% After Recent Release

The publisher of Lords of the Fallen has faced a harsh reception, and its stock has lost nearly half of its value since the game's release.

Lords of the Fallen Drops As Low As 40FPS At 4K Ultra On RTX 4090

Lords of the Fallen requires DLSS for 4K ultra settings on a GeForce RTX 4090 since the game drops to 40FPS at native resolution.

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