Resident Evil 4 was originally released in 2005 and was a massive success due to its intriguing storyline and action-packed gameplay. The madness was real, with hordes of zombies chasing Leon and brutal gameplay, the true definition of Evil.
The game was loved by the community and was critically acclaimed as well. Capcom is known for the remakes of its classic Resident Evil titles. The previous titles in the remake lineup are Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 3; Capcom had a consistent approach with both of these remakes. They kept the real essence of the game with a touch of modern-day graphics and tweaked gameplay.
As a result, they were not only loved by the fans but were a massive success as Resident Evil 2 Remake has sold over 10 million copies worldwide. The same formula is expected here, and the first gameplay trailer of Resident Evil 4 Remake at Resident Evil Showcase made it more apparent. The remake looks promising, with improved visuals and some newly added game mechanics like stealth and shooting while moving.
The Resident Evil 4 Remake is set to be released in March 2023. It was expected that the remake would be next-gen only for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC, but at TGS 2022, Capcom announced that the remake would also be available on PS4, but there were no signs of it coming to Xbox One.
The latest entry in the Resident Evil franchise is Resident Evil 8: Village, a cross-gen game highly optimized for previous-gen consoles thanks to REengine. Resident Evil 4 Remake will follow in the same footsteps and will also be available on previous-gen consoles; Xbox One and PlayStation 4. According to Capcom’s official website, Xbox One is a supported platform for the upcoming Resident Evil 4 Remake.
There is no confirmation yet about the title coming to Xbox One, so it will be wise to take this with a grain of salt. However, fans are excited about the remake. They have good faith in Capcom, keeping in view the previous attempts of the studio with its remakes, and the new gameplay just elevated their expectations.
With this new information, Resident Evil 4 Remake is a farewell to the last-gen consoles before the studio moves entirely to next-gen-oriented development with Resident Evil 9. So are you excited to relive Evil? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below.
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A gamer with a passion for gaming news and leaks who is eager to share what’s happening in the industry.