The sixth installment in the action RPG Monster Hunter series, Monster Hunter Rise, was released in 2021 for Nintendo Switch and later a PC version was also released in January 2022. The community well-received the game, and critics’ reviews were also reasonable. 

Monster Hunter Rise was praised for its improved mechanics and expansive world. It was also nominated for Best Role Playing Game and Best Multiplayer Game at The Game Awards 2021. Shortly after its success, Capcom released an expansion for the base game; Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak for both PC and Nintendo Switch in August 2022. 

The expansion brought new unique monsters, improved gameplay, enhanced combat style, and a new difficulty level. The expansion was also a hit; it sold over 3 million copies by July 2022, two months after its release. 

Recently Capcom released its quarterly financial report, which paints a clear picture of the Monster Hunter series, more specifically, Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak and what it’s been up to about its sales. The expansion is still holding its ground in the market and has surpassed a total sales of 4.4 million copies worldwide, according to the latest financial report by Capcom. 


And the base game; Monster Hunter Rise has sold over 11 million copies worldwide, with 3 million within only three days of release. However, if we zoom out a little more and consider the Monster Hunter Series as a whole, in that case, the numbers become a bit crazy, with over 88 million sales worldwide confirmed by Capcom in its recent financial report. 


Undoubtedly, these numbers are insane, and still, it’s not showing any signs of stopping anytime soon. What are your thoughts about the Monster Hunter series? Let us know in the comment section below.

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