The Metal Gear franchise dates back to 1987. Despite being dormant for many years, the series has a vast fandom to this day. Metal Gear Survive was the latest entry from this franchise, but it was a disappointment after Konami cut ties with Kojima.
Despite the last game’s disappointment, Konami has revealed the Metal Gear franchise has sold over 59.8 Million copies worldwide.
Why it matters: The impressive sales figures show that there is still demand for Metal Gear titles. Recent rumors have also pointed to a potential return in the form of a remake.
The report shows the sales of the franchise till March 31st and counts every single game, including the spinoffs.
Last year it was revealed that the franchise had sold 59.5 million units. Considering the latest update, Metal Gear games have sold nearly half a million units since then, with no new releases.
While the additional sales are not ground-breaking, given that there has not been a new game in 5 years, it hints at the popularity of the series. Following many leaks and reports, a Metal Gear Solid 3 Remake is expected to be under development.
The remake may be revealed during the PlayStation Showcase. Reliable sources have also claimed that PlayStation may have signed a deal with Konami, but the game could eventually come to Xbox.
The series has become famous for its stories and innovative gameplay. Recent remakes like Resident Evil 4 have also sold millions of copies, and a potential remake could mean that Konami’s popular IP would return to the spotlight, undoubtedly leading to a huge surge in sales.
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[News Reporter]
Obaid is pursuing a Law degree, while working as a content writer. He has worked as a gaming writer for over a year because of his passion for the medium and reporting the latest updates in the industry. Having played hundreds of games, Obaid finds himself coming back to Elden Ring and Red Dead Redemption 2, with these games being among his favorites. He has also been mentioned on highly regarded websites, such as Wccftech, Metro UK, PS Lifestyle, GamePressure, VGC, and Gamespot.