Ali Rashid Khan

About Me

Hi, I’m Ali Rashid Khan, your Wiki Editor at Tech4Gamers. With 14+ years in gaming and tech, I specialize in flagship phones and gaming rigs. When not writing, catch me racing virtually or competing in global Scrabble.

Position at Tech4Gamers

As Tech4Gamers’ Wiki Editor, I dissect gaming products, offering detailed perspectives from Best Motherboards to GPUs. When away from the keyboard, I’m into mechanical keyboards and global Scrabble competitions.

Tech Journey

With 14+ years of gaming and tech passion, my journey at Tech4Gamers blends expertise and exploration. Specializing in flagship phones and gaming tech, I offer a comprehensive understanding.

Current PC setup

Here are my current PC specs:

PCIe Slots [Types, Generations & More]

PCIe is a high-speed interface standard used for connecting various internal components on a motherboard in a computer.

What Is A PC Radiator? [Sizes, Mountings, Direction & Guide]

A radiator is a specialized heat exchanger with fins and tubes designed to dissipate the coolant's absorbed heat into the surrounding air.

PC Heatsink [What, How & Guide]

Heatsinks are made of highly conductive metals and are used in dissipating heat from CPUs and GPUs

What Is RPM In PC Fans? [All Explained]

RPM or Revolutions Per Minute is the measure of the rotational speed of a rotating object, usually a fan.

What Are Fan Bearings? [Sleeve, Ball & Fluid]

Fan bearings are crucial elements within cooling fans, enabling the smooth rotation of fan blades housed within the fan assembly.

What Is PWM? [Fans, Connectors & Working]

PWM stands for Pulse Width Modulation. This technique dynamically regulates factors like fan speed and RGB lighting.

Static Pressure: Dynamic, Airflow & More Explained

Static pressure refers to the pressure exerted by air or other cooling mediums on surfaces within a PC case or on a component like a CPU cooler or radiator

Ray Tracing: What, How And Comparison

Ray tracing is a graphics rendering technique that uses complex algorithms to trace the path of light in games to make the lighting as realistic as possible.

L3 Cache Explained [CPUs]

The L3 cache is the third level or type of CPU cache that is much larger (but slower) than the L1 and L2 cache.

PC Case Airflow [What, Why & How]

I'll help you understand the importance and influence of PC case airflow and different techniques to improve it and achieve high performance.

Tensor Cores: Everything You Need To Know

Tensor cores are specialized in NVIDIA GPUs that excel at fast matrix manipulations, providing acceleration for deep learning workloads.

Mouse DPI: What & How To Find It

Dots Per Inch (DPI) measures mouse resolution, indicating how many pixels the cursor moves per inch of mouse movement.

━ Latest

PS5 Pro GPU Capable of 36 TFLOPs Performance At Most, Says Analyst

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GTA 6 Expected To Be Ready For Launch By Fall 2025

Contrary to earlier rumors, GTA 6 seems to be targeting a Fall 2025 release as Rockstar continues development of the game.

Lords of the Fallen Officially Headed To Game Pass

Game Pass appears to be expanding its offering of Souls-likes with the addition of Lords of the Fallen, an Unreal Engine 5 title from 2023.

Xbox Is Very Confident In Lineup For Next Month’s Showcase

Microsoft is quite confident about its lineup for the upcoming Xbox Games Showcase and beyond, as heard by an industry insiders.

Elden Ring DLC Will Offer Fewer Endings Than The Base Game

The director of Elden Ring has recently confirmed that Shadow of the Erdtree won't have as many endings as the base game.