I Tested The 9600X And 9700X, And They Failed To Meet Expectations

I tested both the AMD Ryzen 9600X and the 9700X, and AMD has gone too far with the power limits - the CPUs barely outperform their own predecessors, which is very dissappointing.

AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D Review: More Cache & Unparalleled Performance

The Ryzen 7 7800X3D is the best gaming processor of this generation, which not only delivers top-notch gaming performance but performs decently in rendering and productive workloads as well. Meanwhile, it's also one of the most efficient processors out there with a TDP of less than 150W in boost mode.

Is This A Good Time To Purchase Ryzen 5000?

AMD's 5000 series CPUs launched all the way back in 2020, but do they still make for worthy purchases in 2024?

Why You Should Hold Off Ryzen 9000 For Gaming

AMD’s new Ryzen 9000 ‘Granite Ridge’ Series CPUs based on Zen 5 sure look cute, but here’s why you might not want to game on them.

AMD Ryzen 9000 Won’t Beat 7000 X3D Chips In Gaming – So Should You Get Them?

The Ryzen 7 7800X3D's reign is far from over..

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