Hogwarts Legacy is a vast open-world adventure game based on the eminent school of Harry Porter, Hogwarts. However, it is not set in the Harry Porter era, but it dates back to the 1800s, allowing you to explore the place as a customizable character, which is a student. This magical third-person shooter game is a project by Avalanche Software and Sony Interactive Entertainment.
Sony has started producing State of Plays more often where they showcase a long cinematic sequence, revealing an overview of the game. Every month or so, they take a deep-dive on a specific project, something like Grand Turismo, Horizon: Forbidden West, Ratchet and Clank, and now Hogwarts Legacy, giving us a chance to know what we are going to be purchasing.
This game will be released in the holiday season, which would mean around October 2022. However, this time, they withheld a massive surprise from us. They are launching the game on Nintendo Switch, which is something they have never officially announced. A Nintendo Switch logo is visible at the bottom of their official website with all the other platforms it will be available for.
If that hasn’t already convinced you, Hogwarts Legacy’s launch for the Nintendo Switch has also been mentioned in their website’s Frequently Asked Question section.
Q: What platforms will Hogwarts Legacy be on? A: Hogwarts Legacy will be available for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 4 Pro, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One consoles, Nintendo Switch, and PC.
Furthermore, upon searching the game listing on Amazon, you can easily find that this game has a separate category for Nintendo Switch that shows the Hogwarts Legacy for Switch in its box art.
One thing that stands out is that this logo was not present on the website back when the game was first revealed in 2020. This new addition is a great news for the Switch fans who will get an astounding game on their hand-held device.
More about Hogwarts Legacy: Sony To Showcase Hogwarts: Legacy Gameplay On 17th March
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[News Reporter]
Avinash is currently pursuing a Business degree in Australia. For more than three years, he has been working as a gaming journalist, utilizing his writing skills and love for gaming to report on the latest updates in the industry. Avinash loves to play action games like Devil May Cry and has also been mentioned on highly regarded websites, such as IGN, GamesRadar, GameRant, Dualshockers, CBR, and Gamespot.