Bethesda Wants To Support Its Games For At Least 10 Years Now

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Bethesda Wants Players To Stay Engaged For A Decade!

Story Highlight
  • Todd Howard has recently shared Bethesda’s plans for future releases.
  • He says the team regrets not supporting titles like Fallout 4 or Skyrim for longer.
  • The team has now planned to support its games for atleast a decade.

Bethesda is highly popular for supporting its titles with mods and other types of content. The team has also garnered a reputation for being one of the slower studios in the industry. However, the developer seems to be ready to use this to its advantage.

Moving forward, Bethesda plans to support upcoming titles for at least a full decade.

Why it matters: This sounds exciting since it could make the wait for future Bethesda releases less painful. Mods already open endless possibilities for these RPGs, and official content will make the experience even better.

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During a recent interview with MrMattyPlays, Todd Howard discussed the future of Bethesda Game Studios and its games.

The developer described how the team regretted not supporting titles like Skyrim for longer. While the likes of Skyrim and Fallout 4 did receive DLCs and next-gen upgrades, the developer believes the team could’ve done even more.

Following such regrets, the studio has now decided to support its tiles for at least a decade. The team is already implementing these plans with live-service titles like Fallout 76, which still receives updates even half a decade later.

Bethesda plans to do the same for Starfield, which was released last year. The team has continued to work on the title and is planning to release its first DLC very soon. Moreover, year two content for Starfield has already been confirmed.

As we go into Elder Scrolls 6, with all these games, you got to start now by thinking about a 10-year horizon. How do we support a game for that long?

-Todd Howard

Going by Todd Howard’s statements, fans can expect The Elder Scrolls 6 to last longer than any of its predecessors.

Fallout 5 Is Still Several Years Away

This should also mean that Bethesda will continue to roll out new games slower than fans would like. Todd Howard has said that there’s no need to rush out with a new Fallout entry despite reports pointing to efforts at getting the next game out sooner than expected.

Overall, the developer hopes to make the most of its current success. This is the same reason this studio has continued to support Fallout 76, a game that is doing better than ever after the recent TV series

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