Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League

Suicide Squad’s $200 Million Loss Reportedly Led To Wonder Woman’s Cancellation

New details have surfaced regarding Wonder Woman's cancellation, highlighting how Suicide Squad played a role in the decision.

Fired WB Games CEO Didn’t Play Games and Believed Suicide Squad Was a Billion Dollar Deal

The former CEO of WB Games, made big investments in Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League, confident it would become a billion-dollar jackpot.

Rocksteady Returning To Single-Player Batman Games, Says Reliable Insider

Latest reports point to a new single-player Batman Arkam title from Rocksteady after its failed attempt at live-service gaming.

Suicide Squad Removes Denuvo Amid Failed Attempt At Live Service Breakthrough

Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League's latest Steam update shows Denuvo has been removed from the game one year after its release.

Suicide Squad Retcons Batman Death; More Batman Arkham Games Now Possible

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League has updated a major part of its story, leaving the door open to more Batman Arkham games.

Rocksteady Facing More Layoffs Amid End of Suicide Squad Support

Rocksteady has reportedly suffered several layoffs yet again as the team prepares to bid Suicide Squad farewell.

Fans Outraged Due To Suicide Squad Being One of The PS Plus Monthly Title

PlayStation is giving out Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League to PS Plus monthly subscribers, and fans are not happy about it. 

Gotham Knights Studio Suddenly Lays Off 99 Devs After Suicide Squad Failure

Gotham Knights studio WB Games Montreal has allegedly laid off 99 devs out of the blue after Suicide Squad: KTJL failed to meet expectations.

Warner Bros Lost A Whopping $300M From 2 Games This Year

Warner Bros revealed this year that Suicide Squad and MultiVersus lost $200 million and $100 million, respectively.

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