Star Wars Outlaws

Star Wars Outlaws Hype Seems Non-Existent On Release Day

Star Wars Outlaws is now available, but no one is talking about this game, creating a concerning situation for Ubisoft.

Star Wars Outlaws Drops As Low As 720p For 60FPS On PS5 and Series X

Ubisoft's Star Wars Outlaws drops to the marginally low resolution of 720p to maintain 60FPS in performance mode.

Star Wars Outlaws Is Taking Over 20GB VRAM At 4K Resolution

Star Wars Outlaws seems to be using as much as 21GB VRAM at 4K, making the title one of this generation's most demanding releases.

Star Wars Outlaws Review Roundup – Held Back By Ubisoft Formula

Star Wars Outlaws has received its first wave of reviews, with Massive Entertainment's open world being well received across the board.

Star Wars Outlaws Review – Solid First Open World Star Wars Experience

Star Wars Outlaws offers a rich open-world experience that successfully captures the essence of the Star Wars universe. However, it falls short in certain areas, particularly with its forgettable characters, inconsistent AI, and repetitive main missions.

Star Wars Outlaws To Feature 3 Different Graphical Modes On Consoles

Star Wars Outlaws will ship with various graphical presets for consoles, allowing users to customize the game.

Star Wars Outlaws Marketing Suspiciously Quiet 2 Weeks Before Launch

Ubisoft said that Star Wars Outlaws would have the biggest marketing budget among its games, but the advertising is nowhere to be seen.

Starfield Dev Says He Has Been Waiting Whole Life For Star Wars Outlaws

Star Wars Outlaws has been praised by one of Starfield's lead developers, who stated that he has been waiting his whole life for such a game.

Ubisoft Accused Of Using Bots To Hype Up Star Wars Outlaws

According to a new report, Ubisoft is seemingly relying on bots to create anticipation for Star Wars Outlaws on social media.

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