Dragon Age: The Veilguard Skipping Microtransactions & Battle Pass

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BioWare Wants To Focus On Single Player Experience!

Story Highlight
  • Dragon Age: The Veilguard is skipping battle passes and microtransactions.
  • BioWare has also confirmed that the RPG won’t require an internet connection.
  • The developers are focused on making the most complete single-player title for fans.

Dragon Age: The Veilguard was finally announced at the Xbox Showcase with a stunning trailer. More gameplay has been shared since then, in addition to details like the scope of the world.

Further elaborating on everything Dragon Age: The Veilguard will offer, BioWare confirms it will be entirely playable offline. The studio is choosing to forego industry trends like microtransactions in favor of creating the best RPG experience possible.

Why it matters: Microtransactions have become far too common in modern games, even finding their place in single-player titles.

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During a recent interview with IGN, Game Director Corinne Busche addressed important aspects of Dragon Age: The Veilguard.

While the previous entry used Dragon Age Keep for players to build the world and carry over the decisions from past Dragon Age games, The Veilguard will not be relying on this system.

The game director confirmed that the new entry will offer a system that will provide players a refresher for every decision made in past games while allowing them to make changes within the character creator of Dragon Age: The Veilguard.

Further talking about it, the developer stated that this was done so players would not have to connect their accounts. Therefore, the team has dispelled doubts about its next RPG being an online-only title with an internet connection requirement.

You can play this game entirely offline. No connection; you don’t have to link to your EA accounts.

-Corinne Busche

Dragon Age: The Veilguard
Dragon Age Is Returning After Nine Years

The game director further stated that BioWare is 100% focused on making the most complete single-player RPG possible. He confirmed that the title would not contain battle passes or microtransactions.

Our focus is on making this the most complete singleplayer game we possibly can.

-Corinne Busche

This is a nice change of pace and reinforces the belief that certain developers already have. Previously, CDPR claimed microtransactions don’t belong in single-player titles. It seems BioWare is moving forward with a similar mindset, which already makes us more excited for its upcoming RPG.

Dragon Age: The Veilguard is currently on track for a 2024 release. After sharing tons of new details last week, the team will likely continue to provide more updates for the fans. Therefore, RPG enthusiasts should stay tuned for more gameplay and the release date announcement.

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