Helldivers 2 Dev Believes It Can Be The Next FromSoftware

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"We Have Potential Of Turning Into Next FromSoftware"

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  • Arrowhead Game Studios, the developer behind Helldivers 2, is appointing a new CEO.
  • While discussing the studio’s ambitions, the former CEO states that the team intends to remain independent.
  • He believes the studio can become comparable to Blizzard or FromSoftware in the future.

While this year has seen many big releases, Helldivers 2 has stood out as the most prominent live-service launch. It became the biggest Sony PC port and sold over 12 million copies in three months, making it PlayStation’s fastest-selling game ever.

Many speculated that Sony would try to acquire Arrowhead after the title’s success, but the former CEO of the company claims that they are proud of being independent. The team has massive ambitions for the future.

Why it matters: This is great news for the company since it aims to become a massive flagship studio without being acquired by anyone. 

Helldivers 2
Helldivers 2 Is One of The Most Succesful Releases of The Year

During a recent interview with Gamesindustry.biz, the company’s former CEO ruled out any potential acquisitions, stating that Arrowhead wants to be a flagship studio over the coming years.

Arrowhead’s chief creative officer, Johan Pilestedt, states that they hope to remain independent. While they are unsure about the future, he says they don’t have any plans to be acquired and want to see how high they can fly.

In fact, the team wants to match FromSoftware’s success.

We have a good potential to realise that future of turning into the next From Software or Blizzard.

-Johan Pilestedt

Sham Jorjani, who has become the new CEO of Arrowhead, has stated that the goal of the studio is to make great co-op games.

Helldivers 2
Helldivers 2 Sold Over 12 Million Copies Already

Further elaborating on the subject, Jorjani stated that while growing up, he wanted to work at Blizzard because of the type of games they created and believes Arrowhead has the potential to do the same.

To achieve those goals, the CEO believes that they need to become a company with hundreds of developers. Therefore, Arrowhead will continue to grow without being acquired.

We believe this is a great approach from Arrowhead since we need more developers like this team in the industry. Helldivers 2 is a testament to everything the studio stands for, and we wish them all the best for the future.

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