Electronic Arts

Bioware Downsized To Less Than 100 Devs Following Dragon Age Failure

A new report states that BioWare has reduced its team to less than 100 people after the failure of Dragon Age: The Veilguard.

Dragon Age Writer Says Series Is Not Dead Amid Veilguard’s Colossal Failure

One of the BioWare writers has reassured fans that the Dragon Age franchise isn't dead as long as it belongs to the fans.

BioWare Fires Every Writer Who Worked on Dragon Age: Veilguard Amid Massive Failure

All of the writers who worked on Dragon Age: The Veilguard have been fired from BioWare following a disappointing release.

BioWare Pulls Plug on Dragon Age Veilguard Support Following Disappointing Sales

BioWare has officially ended its support for Dragon Age: The Veilguard after a disappointing few months since release.

Mass Effect 5 Unlikely To Begin Production Anytime Soon, Says Former Dragon Age Boss

The BioWare team seems to be on hold as it waits for pre-production of Mass Effect 5 following Dragon Age: The Veilguard's release.

98% Of Devs Making Next Battlefield Did Not Work On Previous Games, It’s Claimed

An alleged former Dice dev suggests that 98% of the team involved with the next Battlefield has not created any past games in the series.

Dragon Age Veilguard Director Leaves EA After Disappointing Attempt At Series Revival

The director behind Dragon Age: The Veilguard is set to depart EA and BioWare after spending nearly two decades at the studios.

Dragon Age: The Veilguard Price Slashed To $40 Just Over 2 Months After Release

Dragon Age: The Veilguard price has been discounted by 43% on Amazon just over 2 months after its release.

Dead Space Creator Shows Interest In 4th Installment, Pitched It To EA This Year

Dead Space creator seemingly pitched a new fourth installment earlier this year to EA, but the studio declined since it was not interested.

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