Graphics Cards Comparisons

RX 7700 XT vs RTX 3060 Ti [Gaming Results 2025]

The RX 7700 XT vs RTX 3060 Ti comaprison will evaluate which of the two large graphics card makers make the best entry-level GPU.

RTX 4080 Super Vs RX 6900 XT [Gaming Benchmarks 2025]

We take a deeper look at how a current flagship GPU stacks up against a flagship of the past , as we analyze the performance difference between the RTX 4080 Super Vs RX 6900 XT

RTX 4070 Ti Super Vs RTX 4080: Gaming Results 2025

In the RTX 4070 Ti Super Vs RTX 4080 comparison, we will be taking a deep dive into the performance of both of these high-end GPUs.

RTX 2060 Vs GTX 1660 Super: Gaming Benchmarks 2025

In this article, we will compare the RTX 2060 Vs GeForce GTX 1660 Super and see which one is better suited to be part of your rig.

RTX 4070 Super Vs RTX 3080 Ti: Gaming Benchmarks 2025

In the comparison of the RTX 4070 Super vs the RTX 3080 Ti, we test the gaming benchmarks of both GPUs and analyze their specification.

ARC B580 Vs RX 6700 XT – Which One Is Better?

In this comparison of ARC B580 vs RX 6700 XT, we will evaluate the actual performance and efficiency of these similar specs graphics cards.

RTX 4070 Ti Vs RTX 3070 Ti: We Tested 10 Games

Read my RTX 4070 Ti vs RTX 3070 Ti comparison to find out whether you should upgrade to Nvidia's latest lineup or not.

RTX 3060 Vs 3060 Ti: We Tested Both

In RTX 3060 Vs. 3060 Ti comparison, we will benchmark these cards at 1440p to determine if the extra VRAM makes any significant difference.

RTX 4070 Vs RX 6700 XT: We Benchmarked Both

In this comparison, we will test the RTX 4070 vs RX 6700 XT and see how these cards perform under intense 4K gaming.

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